In 2002, our former Pink Housemate and favorite
globe-trotting journalist Kyle York Spencer published her first book,
She's Gone Country. It was a fish-out-of-water account of her experiences as a twenty-something "lost soul" (courtesy of the book jacket) born and bred in Manhattan who wound up working as a reporter for the Raleigh News & Observer during the mid-90s.
Jay and I came out to represent at both her Triangle readings - McIntyre's Fine Books in Fearrington Village and The Regulator on Ninth Street in Durham. Rolling down 15-501 South to the McIntyre's reading, it was an extremely hot June afternoon, and the air conditioning in my recently acquired vintage (aka falling apart) Volvo wagon gave out for good. That sucked! I also remember that Kyle and I had a long conversation with the manager there about trends in bookselling and retailing, recent books, authors, the writing and editing process, and the book industry in general.
After Kyle signed books for her fans at the Regulator, where I met ubiquitous scenester Dave Graedon for the first ever time, we caught up with some of her N&O pals at George's Garage and kicked back over drinks.