Guest list
1-2. Lydia Craft / Mary Anne
3. Mike Thomas
4-5. Firas Amad (+1 Jason)
6. Derek Shadid
7-10. Jyoti Argade (+3 Amy J. / Hadley / Matt Frish)
11-13. Swati Argade (+2 Mary / Dana / etc.)
14. Trent McDevitt
15-16. Chris Lee / Scott
17-18. Chris Pedigo / Brandon
19. Lem Butler
20. Sophia Sacks
21. Chris Lyn
22. Clint Curtis
23. Zak Bisacky
24. Derek Elliott
25-28. Ramah / Dina (+2 Leigh / Tamar etc.)
29-31. Sue Busby / Jenny Shippen / Cristina Perez
32. Michelle Sinott
33-36. Lindsay Bowen / Dana Terebelski (+2 Shea / Kate Smith)
37. Mel Benner
38-39. Penny Bakatsias / Tina Bakatsias
40-43. Clay Boyer / Matt McMichaels (+2 Ian Williams / etc.)
44-45. Bryan Ellerson / Allen Copeland
46. Yvonne
47. Kevin Harris
48-49. Evan / Renee
50. Heather Reilly
(Note from 2014 - A few days before Thanksgiving '93, and I must have already been in the holiday spirit, because I drew up my invite list for our upcoming Christmas Cocktail party. I'm sure there would have been substantial overlap between my list and whoever Jay planned to invite, but this was my preliminary assessment of the roughly fifty heads I thought had Pink House VIP status at the time. Obviously, it would have included all former housemates, but only Lydia, Clint, Bryan Ellerson, and Michelle Sinott were still in town.)